ENT ST3 Clinical Stations

📖 Overview

The ST3 clinical station is usually a common clinical scenario you will find yourself in as a new ENT registrar. It will often test your ability to diagnose, investigate, manage and prioritise information.

It will also test your ability to understand how common conditions are managed in the NHS by various members of the mutli-disciplinary team. It is important to understand your role and limitations, when and how you would ask for help in this interview.

Often the clinical scenario is progressed from a basic to an intermediate and if you're doing well into an advanced setting. It can be common for candidates to enter territory of advanced questioning and is a sign that you are doing well if you do not know the answer to a complex question.

🚨 Emergency Clinical Scenarios

Epistaxis (Free Preview)

📝 Elective Clinical Scenarios


đŸĨ‡ ST3 Emergency Operations
